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Project Type



Brand Strategist

Brand Copywriter


Brand Designer













Ștefana Gabor-Stoica

Ștefana Gabor-Stoica

Ștefana Gabor-Stoica

Paul Vîrlan 

Cavel Jan

Making the strange familiar and the familiar strange.

Aleodor Science Center is nurturing a new world of intelligence, by reducing the distance between what’s perceived as familiar and what seems strange in science. It’s bringing science closer to people’s interests, by developing a new way to discover it.

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An always-temporary future with never-ending possibilities.

Aleodor is a reference to a fictional character in the Romanian culture that has all the positive abilities – like loyalty, honesty, and bravery – to inherit the legacy of a city and to take it to new heights. As brand name and verbal identity, Aleodor Science Center is able to look back at the educational and innovative legacy of Iași and to revive it into a new economic nucleus.


Nurturing a new world of intelligence.

The brand logo is the first product of Aleodor Science Center that was developed to embody the freedom to think, structure to discover and intelligence to create.

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The logo is taking the brand concept further and translates it into a binary code. Each letter of the brand name has its own code made out of 0 and 1.

By marking the 0 in each letter, the whole structure becomes a solid and austere shape. The rounded smooth edges balance the shape and turns it into a more fluid and responsive one, a shape everybody can relate to.

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Each letter of the brand name has its own code made out of 0 and 1.

Asset 8@2x.png

By marking the “0” in each letter, the whole structure becomes a solid and austere shape.

Asset 7@2x.png

Marking the “0” in each letter we gave “meaning” to “nothing”.

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The rounded smooth edges balance the shape and turns it into a more fluid and responsive one, a shape everybody can relate to.

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The symbol generator was created as a public tool for the Aleodor Science Center staff and the general audience as well. It generates graphic elements for all the brand communication materials and it makes possible an interactive dialogue between people and visual brand elements they can create for their own personal use.



The visual identity embodies all the interpretations of Aleodor, as brand meaning. It is both the first innovative coding project of Aleodor Science Center and a generative language of a new world of intelligence. It may even suggest the presence of a new form of artificial life.

These interpretations fill the visual identity with a sense of strangeness you can play with until it becomes part of your imagination. The visual system was created to inspire curiosity and exploration and to invite people of all ages to think and have a dialogue under a new educational language.

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A place where

you can touch

the objects on display.

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Open to dead-end experiments.

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